Doki Doki True Ending Guide

MC's Revenge is a fan work I made for Doki Doki Literature Club. The project was started by Firelightning13, abandoned by him, and I continued it with permission.

  1. Doki Doki Ending Song Lyrics
  2. Doki Doki True Ending Guide Movie
  3. Doki Doki Literature Club Monika Ending
  4. Doki Doki Blue Skies Endings

Doki Doki Ending Song Lyrics

The premise is that starting with Act 2, MC starts to become meta-aware like Monika, seeing the graphical glitches and everything. He doesn't yet realize what's happening or remember Act 1, but he might, depending on your choices.

  1. Initially, Doki Doki literature club would seem a caricature of visual novels, with all its usual caveats. Underneath it quickly reveals itself as a brilliant parody on its genre however, a satire of (interactive) narratives through a double twisting of its theme and, more importantly, with the construction of a negative “deus ex machina” that.
  2. Doki Doki Literature Club True Ending Guide Pdf Feb 13, 2018 - Chrome does not give users the option to alter the new tab page, but this Replace New Tab Page extension will do the trick. I use it myself.
Doki doki true ending guide release

For me that's so sweet of you there's really no there really is no end to your thoughtfulness I'm just falling more and more in. Love with you but you know the poem I wrote is also for you will you please read it a happy, end pet in hand I find my strength the courage and down to paw, me by my one and only love together let us dismantle this. Video games (with multiple endings) drive this point home hard. If you truly want that happy ending, then you have to go through hell to obtain it. Doki Doki Literature Club is no expectation. In order to get the game’s true/golden ending, we gotta go through hell first. Well, okay we already went through hell once.

Installation is the same as most mods: extract the zip file and drop everything into the /game/ directory of a normal DDLC installation. You might have to delete 'firstrun' inside the folder too. Credits are distributed with the download, in 'credits.txt'.

Complete guide (only mild spoilers are unhidden, so don't be afraid to click after your first playthrough)

And just incase, the unzipped mod files are on Github.

Doki Doki True Ending Guide Movie

I made this during 2019. After I played my first few DDLC mods, I spent a few months considering making one, but when I played the MCR demo, I thought it was exactly the premise I wanted to do. So I looked around and found the offer to continue it and applied.


Doki Doki Literature Club Monika Ending

Looking back on my work now, I have some self-criticisms.

Doki Doki Blue Skies Endings

  • I'm not happy with how I handled Monika's dialogue and death in the endings where they kill her. In the reddit post I said to Monika fans who were offended by Rainclouds and New Eyes that I didn't think this would offend them. What a stupid thing I said! This mod treats Monika worse than those two. Rainclouds and New Eyes only cover the canonical Act 1-2, so criticizing them for villifying Monika isn't fair, but MCR covers Monika being confronted by her victims with awareness and if Sayori wasn't saved, she still doesn't hesitate to try to murder them as well and has to be killed. I could've given her more credit than that. I knew I had to include bad endings, but it would've been really interesting if you could make Monika repent and she actually demonstrated a sincere intention to reform, but MC and the others wouldn't hear it if Sayori wasn't saved and killed her anyway. Maybe they could kill her before Monika had a chance to restore Sayori, or I could've contrived a reason why she couldn't to make their lack of forgiveness understandable.

  • I kind of wish I'd explored just how horrible the implication is that even if they all survive and don't have the nightmare problem, they're stuck in a world with only the 5 of them. That's a horrific fate. It's not obvious how this could've been handled well, since if it were true, suicide would be an extremely reasonable decision. Or more accurately, the moral course of action would be for the player to not leave them permanently, and try to give them something approaching a meaningful life as friends/advisors. If it were real and they could communicate with the player (which the President should be able to through dialog options or text files), this wouldn't actually be degenerate like Monika's plan for Act 3. (The 'you would be crippling Player's real-world life' argument I contrived for RTTP is BS and I knew it when I wrote it, but I had to come up with something to justify Monika's actions in DDLC.) So it's a nontrivial problem, but I wish I'd tried to deal with this.

  • In the Good (not Perfect) ending, I didn't handle Sayori's reaction to the epiphany very well. It makes sense that she reacted a lot less than in either the normal or premature endings to DDLC because here she knew about it beforehand, but it still could've been way better. I should've had her describe how it felt and give some perspective on what it was like for Monika.

  • The Evil ending is also kinda stupid. No doubt MC's too quick to accept it, and the suggestion that they see being in the space room with the two of them forever as a desirable fate is insane, way worse than how #2 applies to the other endings. Also, it's kind of a plothole that if you tell them you're going to reset the game if they won't let the others stay, they just give up on stopping you instead of making some attempt to negotiate.

Despite this, I'm still pretty proud of it and think it's one of the better mods out there.